Boardroom Automation in Baton Rouge: QSC Integrated Systems

Brad Rojas

Not long ago when you would pack for a trip you would need to bring along a variety of different devices, each with a different function. This also meant you would need to pack a number of different chargers, batteries, cables, and other accessories that would quickly monopolize the space in your luggage. Today however, what once required a suitcase now fits in your pocket, or at the very least a backpack. Phones, tablets and laptops have replaced the Walkman, portable DVD player, books, magazines and any other gadget you would use to pass the time while traveling. No more wrestling with random elements that don’t work together and honestly become cumbersome while offering little reward. Boardroom automation technology has followed a similar pattern.

It’s not uncommon for commercial integration projects and boardroom automation implementations to be pieced together. This fact, coupled with AV and IT convergence becoming a necessary element in design, presents a great opportunity to develop a scalable, powerful integration solution. And just like the random pieces tucked into your carry-on have been replaced with stronger, updated, and efficient technology that provides more, the platforms in your company’s boardroom can now transcend previous limitations in scope, usability, and performance. This solution comes from QSC.

What truly sets QSC’s Q-SYS platform apart is its open, IT-friendly foundation. This means there is no longer a need for workarounds with Q-SYS’ ability to integrate with native IT infrastructure. Q-SYS also features an adaptable design that doesn’t limit its users with the limitations of fixed hardware. This design allows for future-proof and scalable solutions and provides ample power for add-ons like AV-to-USB bridging without the traditional unexpected costs and time-consuming installations.

One of the most valuable features of this platform is its minimal complexity. Q-SYS is interoperable with other brands, which increases its reliability while making it intuitive and user-friendly. The interface is easy to design, install, operate, and maintain.

Gone are the days of piecing and patching together different platforms that don’t work effectively together. Streamlining your conference room and work spaces’ AV integration will dramatically improve your reliability, communication, and operations. Link Integration Group expertly designs fully integrated rooms and is a certified dealer or QSC platforms.

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