The way businesses and organizations communicate and collaborate has never changed at a faster rate. In the past, conference calls over the phone, fax machines and email revolutionized how we function and connect across great distances. Now video conferencing has created the next step in connectivity. But how can your business leverage the power and benefits of video conferencing? Here is everything you need to know about video conferencing technology.



Video conferencing is a communication strategy and technology platform that allows participants in remote locations to see, hear and present data to one another. This creates an effective and convenient way for departments, teams, and employees who are remote from one another to still meet without the obstacles that stifle production on most teleconferences.



How does video conferencing work?

Video conferencing can be done in a variety of ways over multiple and different platforms. With cameras, microphones, displays and other devices, your video and audio are transmitted over internet protocols to other participants and vice versa.



What equipment is needed for video conferencing?

While there are wide-ranging purposes for video conferencing, they all essentially need the same types of equipment to be executed. To see the other participants, you will need a display like a laptop, monitor, or television screen. For the other participants to see and hear you, you will need a camera and a microphone. Many computers have cameras and microphones built-in and there are USB options for both as well. To improve audio on your side of the conference, speakers can be beneficial. An internet connection is essential. The higher the bandwidth you have better sound and image quality you will experience. Lastly, you will need a video conferencing application or software. There are a multitude of options, so you can select one that meets your needs.



what type of video conferencing systems are there?

There are essentially three types of video conferencing systems or setups. The size and frequency of your meetings and your overall communication needs will help to determine the right system for you. First, room-based video conferencing has the necessary technology built into the space. Second, a desktop video conferencing system has the required hardware and software installed in the device. The third is the telepresence video conferencing system. With a telepresence system, multiple displays are used to make everyone feel as if they are in the same room.



what are the uses for video conferencing?

There are a wide variety of uses for video conferencing. They can be as formal or as casual, as necessary. Any time you need to be face-to-face with someone from staff meetings to job interviews, even when you or they cannot be there physically, video conferencing is the perfect solution. 



what are the Benefits of video conferencing?

The reason that video conferencing is becoming such a popular tool for businesses and organizations is because it comes with benefits primarily tied to cost savings and efficiency. Because there has been so much development and rapid improvement in the platforms available, they make the decision to implement an easy one. Instead of spending money on travel expenses like airline tickets, hotel rooms and mileage reimbursement, meetings and job interviews can be done remotely. Time can be saved as well. With screen sharing, annotation and recording options, meetings can be more efficient and effective than ever before.



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